Wednesday, December 7, 2011


  1. The front end is haunting me. It's beyond this world.

  2. No shit. That bike looks like its going 120mph just sitn there. The billit rear motor mount is beefy as fuck lookin too.
    You guys got robed. This bike is beyond anything those fuckbags have ever even rode, let alone built. I wouldnt een want to be seen riding the hunk of shit PJD showed up with.

  3. It just show's that most of the people in the United States have bad taste in motorcycles. The best of us are the same ones that can appreciate builders like you and JJ and the machines that you create and ride!

  4. I believe it just came down to ppl hating Jesse. I saw the Discovery Facebook link and ppl just kept bringing up his personal life and what happened in the past. The haters just wanna see the guy fall, Even tho they fucking know his bike ruled and was the better bike out of the three.
